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Deodorant that eliminates organic odours instantly and leaves a fresh clean fragrance.
120017 Ban-O(Avmor)Liquid Deodorant,3.64L
120017 Ban-O(Avmor)Liquid Deodorant,3.64L

The most environmental way to clean and deodorize garbage areas, drains, and septic systems is through the controlled use of bacteria cultures. These ensure that grease traps, septic systems, and drains are free flowing at all times. A safe and totally biodegradable method of cleaning. Preventative maintenance.
100145 Friendly fighter liquid enzymes 4L
100146 Friendly fighter liquid enzymes 20L
100145 Friendly fighter liquid enzymes 4L
100146 Friendly fighter liquid enzymes 20L

G Protectol, a liquid Detergent, contains surfactant and deodorizes effectively leaving surface walls, floors, locker rooms, food equipment, shower rooms and animal quarters.
Effective protection at 2 oz. per gallon (200 ppm).
100093 G Protectol Detergent,4L
100094 G Protectol Detergent ,20L
Effective protection at 2 oz. per gallon (200 ppm).
100093 G Protectol Detergent,4L
100094 G Protectol Detergent ,20L

Pine oil derivatives are excellent Cleaner & deodorizer with high phenol coefficients. Even a one percent solution will deodorize and clean pleasantly. Ideal for spray applications in laundry. Used around urinals, toilet areas, drains, etc. Effective at one percent levels in water. The Pine Detergentt is also an excellent cleaner with a pH of 11.0 and a pine oil content of 8.0%.
100090 4L Pine Oil Detergent Deodorizer
100091 20L Pine Oil Detergent Deodorizer
100090 4L Pine Oil Detergent Deodorizer
100091 20L Pine Oil Detergent Deodorizer

A Fast and reliable way to care of foul odours and absorb liquid spills. Odour Absorb will neutralize odours found in garbage areas, kennels, garages etc. Available in convenient 4x4L cases, 20L pails, and 300 pound drums.
100147 Deo flakes absorb control,18kg
100147 Deo flakes absorb control,18kg

Available in 6 or 12%, Sodium Hypochlorite concentrations. Used for mold control of 16 parts per 1000 parts of water (200 ppm available chlorine for the 12% level). Surfaces which come into contract with food must be rinsed with potable water. Ideal for toilets and general sanitation.
100096 Bleach,5.25%,3x5L
100210 Bleach,12%,Chlorine,4x4L
100096 Bleach,5.25%,3x5L
100210 Bleach,12%,Chlorine,4x4L