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Ammonia is part of the content. Only a very small amount of special surfactants are used to prevent streakiness. Crystal Clean is ready to use, dries spotless and sparkling. Crystal Clear Concentrate is a money saver. Dries spotless and sparkling. Dilute 10:1
100097 Window cleaner R.T.U,4L
100097 Window cleaner R.T.U,4L
Chef King (H.D. Alkaline Degreaser)

This non-ammoniated window cleaner can also be used for eye-glasses, goggles and computer screens. Contains a small amount of neutral detergent. Can safely be used on most surfaces.
Definite anti-fog properties
100112 Degreaser,4L,H.D. (Alkaline)
100113 Degreaser,20L,H.D. (Alkaline)
Definite anti-fog properties
100112 Degreaser,4L,H.D. (Alkaline)
100113 Degreaser,20L,H.D. (Alkaline)

Used extensively for cleaning of windows during very cold weather or as a superbase.
Dilution with four parts of water. Contains 50% I.P.A. (Winter Season)
100101 Methanol antifreeze, 4L
Dilution with four parts of water. Contains 50% I.P.A. (Winter Season)
100101 Methanol antifreeze, 4L

For use in showers and tubs, Shower Power will remove stain build up with its blend of detergents and acids. It is an effective cleaner on grout, tile, and ceramic flooring.
It is safe around all chrome fixers and will not etch surfaces.
100118 Tub & Tile cleaner, 4L
It is safe around all chrome fixers and will not etch surfaces.
100118 Tub & Tile cleaner, 4L